
April Cow Silhouette – 36″ x 30″


This farm metal art silhouette measures 36″ tall x 30″ wide. I named it “April” after one of my favorite cows I had as a kid. April was born in the month of April. She was half longhorn and half Jersey and was the smartest cow I ever was around. I would rope her off my horse and as soon as she felt the rope settle around her horns she would come to a stop and calmly stand there while I took the rope off. Once she knew it was off she was off like a shot giving me another practice run. She also had a knack for crawling through barbed wire fences without hurting herself or the fence. We also never could get her weaned. When she was with other lactating cows you could find her suckling other mother cows even when she was a cow with her own calf. Mind you not all cows would let her suck but she would always find that one who was willing. She was one of a kind. Fun memories from a long time ago.

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